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Eric Wilberg

Eric Wilberg photo Eric Wilberg
Coach Eric Wilberg blends periodized strength training, mobilization, and corrective movements in a systematic approach to ensure consistent results for his clients. Coach Wilberg uses a laid back, simple, no-nonsense approach to guide his clients to success. He enjoys teaching people the skills they need to successfully navigate life, training, and most importantly health!

Coach Wilberg graduated from East Carolina University in 2018 with a Bachelors degree as a Health Fitness Specialist. Since then he has worked in a wide variety of fitness environments with all types of clientele. Along with the general population Coach Wilberg has worked with numerous youth athletes, aging adults, visually impaired trainees, Special Olympians, competitive powerlifters, and amateur fighters.
Coach Wilberg’s passion for training began in his freshman year of high school in 2009. Coach Wilberg competed in wrestling at a high level both in high school and at the collegiate level. After having to give up wrestling in 2015 to afford schooling he dove head first into bodybuilding and powerlifting. Since then Eric has competed in 1 bodybuilding show and 15 powerlifting competitions, totalling 1800+ 9 times. His best lifts in competition are a 694lb squat, 463lb bench press, and 840lb deadlift in the 220lb weight class.