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Trevor Hayes

Trevor Hayes photo Trevor Hayes

Coach Trevor is a lifelong martial artist who started with Wrestling at 9 years old and found Kickboxing in his early teens. Although, he never found his knack for competition, he found a passion for teachings others fundamentals to help them reach their goals, whatever they might be. He has been a full time Muay Thai and MMA coach since 2015, and found himself cornering fighters as early as 2008. Trevor has cornered fighters all across the US for well known promotions including CFFC, Lion Fight, Invicta, Lou neglias Fight Night, Shogun Fight, and others. When he is not in the gym, he can be found announcing, judging, and commentating for various fight promotions. He is constantly pushing for the growth of the sport in the state, and has assisted with the education of judges and referees in various combat sports. Coach also enjoys traveling to different gyms across the southeast to run seminars for charities in the community.